Originally Posted by stock49
Originally Posted by tlowe #1716
EDIT does anybody really read these updates?

Each and every one without fail.

No body comes here anymore like they used to....Beater, myself, Twisted 6 and a few others engage in regular discussions elsewhere. Inliners appears to many to have run its course and is no longer the Inline forum it used to be....

But since you asked I'll give you several reasons from what I have observed and had others tell myself and others privately....

1) Nobody cares what you're doing or has any interest in it....
2) The forum can't have normal discussions without you trying to make it about yourself and trying to sell the OP something in these discussions...others are sick and tired of those discussions turning into that!
3) You don't have the fan base you used to have(if you really ever had one).....
4) The lack of responses and replies to most of your posts in the last few years should have made some of the above reasons #1 through #3 obvious by now.....
5) Most everyone has left the forum to seek other interests and activities....