thanks, your the first that also encountered the pull. in fact, several so called experts swore it was an unrelated issue. i did not change the fluid, i simply syphoned enough out to fit the posi fluid. adding one helped slightly so i added a second and that made a noticable difference. when i put the rear in a couple years ago, i used whatever gear oil i happened to have and a bottle of gm addative that sat on my shelves 20+ years. what should i use? how much addative and does the stuff with addative already added have enough? not dead set on changing gears, was more of 'while its apart' thing. 373's probably a better match but love the quick acceleration with 411's. the real issue was the pulling. i spent endless hours trying to find the cause. just recently started clunking and fairly certain the two are related. at the very least, i need to pull the cover for a visual inspection and 'if' i dissasemble farther, i will likely swap the gears.