went to the track last night. what a great evening, mild temps, track was warm and racing started at 630 pm. there was a small group of racers and i went thru 8 times. i sure i could have easily made 10-12 runs.
ran 3 times to see what the converter would change for me. all i noticed for the 3 runs was a .1 reduction in the 60' times. so from a 2.2 to a 2.1 or so.

with the next 5 runs i changed the rear tires for the stickier set and lighter rims. the car now will tick off 2.0 60' times consistantly, but that was it. i was cutting some really good lights, generally from a .075- a .3. there was 1 that was .003 . all said and done i am maxed out at a 8.805 in the 1/8@ 79 mph. our track is a 1/4 mile track but they will not let us run it because the floods wrecked the far end.

this winter i am going to modify my head to open up the ports and gain back some more performance. still going to go with the dividers in the ports as they help witht the fuel injection.

made a few guy's scratch their head as to why a straight 6 can blow away the v8 camaros and mustang gt's. one mustang i ran would take me off the line and then i would just walk by him waving the whole way. asked him if he was taking off hard and the letting off. he just grumbled. tom

Inliner Member 1716
65 Chevelle Wagon and 41 Hudson Pickup
Information and parts www.12bolt.com